What is Wood Chip Pellet Machine?

Wood chips are small pieces of wood that are typically produced by chipping or shredding larger pieces of wood. They are commonly used for various purposes, including landscaping, gardening, and industrial applications.

Wood chips can be made from various types of wood, including hardwoods (e.g., oak, maple) and softwoods (e.g., pine, fir). The size and consistency of wood chips can vary depending on the intended use and the equipment used to produce them.

What Are Wood Chip Pellets?

Wood chip pellets, also known as wood pellets, are a type of biomass fuel that is made from compressed wood chips or sawdust. They are cylindrical in shape and typically have a diameter of 6-8 millimeters and a length of 10-30 millimeters.

The production process for wood chip pellets involves drying the wood chips or sawdust to reduce their moisture content. The dried material is then fed into a pellet mill, where it is compressed under high pressure and forced through small holes in a die.

As the material passes through the die, the heat and pressure activate lignin, a natural substance in wood, which acts as a binding agent. The resulting pellets are dense and hold their shape without the need for additional additives.

Wood chip pellets are commonly used in residential heating systems, such as pellet stoves and boilers, as well as in large-scale commercial and industrial applications.

They offer a renewable and carbon-neutral alternative to fossil fuels, as the carbon dioxide released during combustion is offset by the carbon dioxide absorbed by trees during their growth.

How To Make Wood Chip?

To make wood chips using a wood chipper, follow these steps:

Safety Precautions

Before starting, ensure you are wearing appropriate safety gear, including safety goggles, ear protection, and gloves. Familiarize yourself with the specific safety guidelines outlined in the wood chipper’s user manual.

Select the Wood Chipper

Choose a wood chipper suitable for your needs. Consider factors such as the power source (electric or gas), chipper capacity, and the size of wood it can handle.

Prepare the Wood

Gather the wood you want to chip. Remove any branches, leaves, or other debris from the wood. Cut the wood into manageable lengths if necessary, making sure they fit within the chipper’s feeding chute.

Set Up the Wood Chipper

Position the wood chipper on a level surface with enough space for the chips to be expelled safely. Ensure the chipper’s discharge chute is directed away from people or obstacles. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper setup and stabilization of the chipper.

Start the Wood Chipper

Engage the safety mechanisms, such as activating the kill switch or pulling the safety levers, as specified by the manufacturer. Start the chipper according to the provided instructions, following any specific startup procedures or choke settings.

Feed the Wood into the Chipper

Carefully feed the prepared wood pieces into the chipper’s feeding chute, one at a time. Use a push stick or a long branch to guide the wood into the chipper, keeping your hands and body clear of the feeding area. Avoid forcing the wood if it’s not feeding smoothly.

Continue Chipping

Feed the wood pieces into the chipper at a steady pace, allowing the machine to process each piece before adding the next. Maintain a safe distance from the chipper and avoid overloading it with too much wood at once.

Collect and Store the Wood Chips

As the wood chips are expelled from the chipper, collect them in a designated area or container. Once you have finished chipping, transfer the wood chips to a storage location or use them for your intended purposes, such as landscaping or biomass fuel.

How to Use a Wood Chip Pellet Machine to Produce Pellets?

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To use a wood chip pellet machine to produce pellets, follow these general steps:

Prepare the Raw Material

Ensure that your wood chips are clean and free from contaminants like dirt, stones, and metal debris. If the wood chips are too large, they may need to be reduced in size using a wood chipper or a hammer mill.

Adjust the Moisture Content

Check the moisture content of your wood chips. Ideally, it should be around 10-15% for pellet production. If the moisture content is higher, consider drying the wood chips using a dryer or allowing them to naturally air dry. If it is lower, you may need to add water or steam to increase the moisture content.

Start the Pellet Machine

Turn on the wood chip pellet machine and ensure it is properly set up and connected to a power source. Familiarize yourself with the controls and safety features of the machine.

Feed the Raw Material

Carefully feed the prepared wood chips into the pellet machine’s hopper or feeder. Ensure a consistent and controlled feed rate to optimize pellet production.

Adjust the Machine Settings

Set the parameters on the pellet machine to meet your desired pellet specifications. This includes adjusting the pressure, temperature, and feed rate based on the specific requirements of your wood chip pellet machine model.

Pelletize the Wood Chips

The pellet machine will compress the wood chips under high pressure and force them through the pellet die, which has small holes. The heat and pressure activate the lignin in the wood, acting as a natural binder to form the wood chip pellets.

Collect the Pellets

As the wood chip pellets are extruded from the die, they will need to be collected. Ensure you have a container or conveyor system in place to catch and transport the newly formed pellets.

Cool and Sieve the Pellets

After production, the wood chip pellets may still be hot and soft. Use a pellet cooler to cool the pellets and increase their hardness and durability. You can also pass the cooled pellets through a sieve or screen to remove fines or oversized particles, ensuring consistent pellet size and quality.

Package and Store the Pellets

Once cooled and sieved, package the wood chip pellets in bags, or bulk bags, or store them in bulk in silos or storage bins. Properly label and store the pellets in a clean, dry, and ventilated area.

Wood Pellet Machine Working Video

wood pellet machine For Sales

pellet making machine
wood pellet mill