Maintenance And Long-Lasting Of Pellet Mills

biomass pellet mill

Maintenance And Long-Lasting Of Pellet Mills: Like every other machine in this world, the pellet mills also need great care when it comes to their maintenance & long-lasting.

With regular maintenance activities, you get the benefits of extended life, and the efficiency of the mills also increases. So you get to have good production rates as well as a long-lasting mill.

This time and cash that you spend on the upkeep of the plants today will be exceptionally valuable for you over the long run as you will save your expense on the fixes of the mills and the loss by low rate of production.

To make life simple for you regarding pellet mill maintenance, we have gathered many tips that you can use to smooth out your pellet plant upkeep process.

Get to know your pellet mill.

To comprehend the pellet mill, we probably took a gander at every one of the pieces of the pellet mill. In the first place, we have the feeding chamber. It is a place where the raw materials are added. This part is known as the feeder. After the feeder, we have the conditioning chamber. It is a place where the raw material undergoes the conditioning process so that it can be made into pellets easily.

Flat Die Pellet Mill Structure Diagram
pellet mill structure

Here, heat and moisture are added to the raw materials. After the conditioning, we have the pelletizing chamber in which the raw materials are compressed and shaped into pellets. Here, die and rollers are available that convert the raw material into pellet form. The dies are metal plates that have small holes in them, and they are used to determine the size of the pellet and the rollers. They apply the pressure on the material so it passes from the die with pressure, and we get the desired size pellet.

Then, there is a cutting establishment attached. They cut the pellets to the desired length as they come through the die. After that, a cooling system is attached to cool them and remove the moisture.

Routine for the maintenance 

One of the most effective ways to properly maintain your pellet mill is to establish a routine for maintenance and then follow that routine. The routine must have all the required processes for maintenance.

Daily inspection

At first, you should add the daily inspection of the pellet to your routine. In daily inspection, you will perform your checks on the mills. In daily inspection, look for the parts that are a bit loose and damaged. The components of the mills which are moving must be lubricated to ensure they are smoothly working, and lastly, in the daily inspection, one must look at the safety system and find out whether they are working properly with no errors.

Cleaning on a weekly basis

The cleaning of the mill must be done daily or weekly. Weekly cleaning is preferred as it is more manageable and there is a lesser cut on the production by it. In cleaning, as you have understood the various components of the mill, all those components must be cleaned. While cleaning, you must ensure that no residual dirt or debris remains attached to the mill.

While you are cleaning, you must also keep an inspection eye on the case you notice the damaged condition of the die, rollers or any other section, you must not ignore them and opt for repairs. You should check for the wear and tear in the mill.

Quarterly or annual inspection

After you have done the daily and the weekly thing now, the next thing in the maintenance routine is the quarterly or annual inspection. The quarterly or annual inspection involves an overall inspection from top to bottom. And a comprehensive analysis of the mill is done.

The parts, if possible, are disassembled, and then all the parts are inspected in detail. In the analysis or inspection, we check the worn parts that have faced any wear and tear, and then these parts are either replaced or repaired.

As you have disassembled the mills, you must have a person who knows the mill and how to assemble the pellet mill correctly. After you have assembled the mill, perform the alignment and the calibration test to ensure that the mill is working fine. And at last safety features and the controls must be checked and in case of issues they must be repaired promptly.

Record keeping

Record-keeping is a crucial step in the pellet mill’s maintenance routine. You must have a record of all the activities that are performed on the mill from the start to the end. This record-keeping helps in understanding any recurring issue, and it also helps in identifying the issue pattern.

Common challenges

Wear and tear on the die or the rollers.

One common challenge that you can face while pellet maintenance is the wear of the die and the roller. This happens due to constant friction and lack of lubrication and can hamper the quality of the pellets as well as the production rate. So, with proper lubrication, this can be avoided. But In case the wear is extreme, you can opt for replacing the part.


Another major challenge is the heating problem. As constant pressure is applied, heat generation is a natural thing. Still, overheating can damage the important components in the pellet mill; therefore, proper ventilation and cooling can help deal with this issue.

Dust buildup

Dust buildup is another thing that can hamper the pellet mill maintenance overall. The dust buildup on the various parts of the mill can hinder the overall efficiency of the pellet. If the pellet is made as a feed for the animal, it becomes increasingly crucial that the pellet is edible. So regular cleaning can really help in this regard and help you manage the dust.

Operator training

In the maintenance of the pellet mill, one thing that is often ignored is operator training. Operator training helps the user properly understand the procedure of the maintenance and the safety protocols of the pellet mill. With this operator training, your equipment of yours remains safe and protected and thus lasts for longer.  

Also Read: How to Make Animal Feed Pellets?