How to Make Animal Feed Pellets?

raw materials for making cattle feed
animal feed pellets

Feed pellets are compacted and uniform forms of animal feed that are produced using a feed pellet mill or pellet press. They are made by processing a mixture of ingredients, such as grains, oilseeds, protein sources, vitamins, minerals, and other additives, through a pellet mill. The mixture is compressed under pressure and heat, resulting in the formation of small, cylindrical pellets.

Why Use Feed Pellets?

With the increasing demand for high-quality animal feed in modern agriculture, the pellet machine for animal feed has emerged as a game-changer in the industry.

This innovative equipment has revolutionized the way animal feed is produced, offering numerous benefits for both farmers and animals. In this article, we will delve into the importance of pellet machines and explore how they have transformed the animal feed production process.

1. Enhanced Nutritional Value

Pellet machines have played a crucial role in improving the nutritional value of animal feed. Through the pelletization process, various ingredients such as grains, protein sources, vitamins, and minerals can be combined in precise quantities to achieve a well-balanced diet for different livestock species.

The heat and pressure applied during pelletization also enhance the digestibility of the feed, ensuring maximum nutrient absorption by the animals.

animals feed pellets
animal feed pellets

 2. Improved Feed Conversion Efficiency

One of the key advantages of using pellet machines is the significant improvement in feed conversion efficiency. The pelleted feed has a more uniform size and density compared to traditional loose feed, which results in reduced wastage during feeding.

The uniformity of pellets also allows for better control of portion sizes, ensuring that animals consume a consistent amount of nutrients. As a result, animals are able to convert feed into meat, milk, or eggs more efficiently, leading to improved productivity and profitability for farmers.

some feed pellets

3. Disease Control and Prevention

Pelleted feed offers superior disease control and prevention in livestock. The pelletization process involves exposing the feed mixture to high temperatures, effectively eliminating harmful bacteria, molds, and parasites that may be present in raw ingredients.

By using pellet machines, farmers can ensure that their animals are consuming feed that is free from contaminants, reducing the risk of diseases and infections. Moreover, the durability of pellets prevents selective feeding, which further minimizes the spread of infectious agents within the herd or flock.

animal disease control and prevention
Animal Disease Control and Prevention

4. Convenient Handling and Storage

Pelleted feed is easier to handle and store compared to loose feed. The small, compact size of pellets allows for efficient transportation and minimizes storage space requirements.

Farmers can easily transport large quantities of feed and store them in a systematic manner, reducing the risk of spoilage and wastage. Additionally, the pellets’ durable nature reduces the chance of breakage during handling, ensuring that the feed maintains its quality and nutritional value until it is consumed by the animals.

pellets storage
Convenient Handling and Storage

5. Environmental Sustainability

Pellet machines contribute to environmental sustainability in the agriculture industry. By using pelletized feed, farmers can minimize the discharge of nutrients into the environment.

The concentrated nutrients in pellets reduce excess waste, as animals are able to absorb the nutrients more efficiently. Furthermore, the reduced wastage and improved feed conversion efficiency lead to a decrease in overall feed production, resulting in less land, water, and energy resources being utilized.

Environmental Sustainability

Advantages of Feed Pellets

Feed pellets offer several advantages over traditional loose feed:

  1. Improved Nutrient Balance: Feed pellets are formulated to provide a balanced diet for specific animals, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients in the right proportions. This helps promote optimal growth, production, and overall animal health.
  2. Enhanced Digestibility: The pelletization process involves heat, which can improve the digestibility of certain ingredients by breaking down anti-nutritional factors and improving starch gelatinization. This allows animals to extract more nutrients from the feed, leading to better feed efficiency.
  3. Reduced Feed Waste: Pellets are less prone to separation or selective feeding compared to loose feed, as each pellet contains a consistent mix of ingredients. This helps minimize feed waste and ensures animals consume a more balanced diet.
  4. Easy Handling and Storage: Feed pellets have a standardized size and shape, making them easy to handle, transport, and store. They can be stored in bulk without spoiling or losing nutritional value, allowing for efficient management of feed supplies.
  5. Disease Prevention: Pellets undergo a heat treatment during production, which can help reduce the presence of harmful bacteria and pathogens in the feed. This contributes to improved biosecurity and reduces the risk of disease transmission among animals.

How to Make Feed Pellets

There are many steps required to produce feed pellets. Here is a brief introduction:

1 Gather and Prepare the Ingredients

Collect the necessary ingredients for your feed formulation. This typically includes grains, protein sources, oilseeds, vitamins, minerals, and other additives. Ensure that the ingredients are of good quality and properly stored. If required, grind or pulverize the ingredients into a fine powder or meal for better pellet formation.

2 Formulate the Feed

Develop a balanced feed formulation that meets the nutritional needs of your target animals. Consider their species, age, weight, production stage, and any specific dietary requirements. Consult with a nutritionist or refer to established feed formulas for guidance.

3 Mix the Ingredients

Thoroughly blend the ingredients together to achieve a uniform mixture. You can use a feed mixer or a clean, dry surface for smaller batches. Ensure that the ingredients are evenly distributed to provide a consistent diet to the animals.

4 Conditioning (Optional)

Conditioning the feed mixture is an optional but beneficial step. It involves adding moisture and heat to soften the mixture, making it more pliable and easier to pelletize. This can be done by adding steam or water to the feed mixture and mixing it thoroughly. The moisture content should be adjusted to the requirements of your pellet mill.

5 Pelletize the Feed

Feed pelletization requires a pellet mill or pellet press. There are different types available, such as flat die pellet mills and ring die pellet mills. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for operating your specific equipment.

Generally, you will need to load the feed mixture into the hopper of the pellet mill. The mixture is then compressed and forced through the die, forming compacted pellets as it passes through the die holes. The heat and pressure generated during this process help bind the feed particles together.

6 Cut and Cool the Pellets

Once the pellets are formed, they may need to be cut to the desired length using a cutter or knife mechanism within the pellet mill. After cutting, the pellets are typically hot and soft. To cool and dry them, transfer them to a pellet cooler or dryer. This helps reduce their temperature, making them more durable and resistant to breakage. It also removes excess moisture, improving its shelf life.

7 Sieve and Package

After cooling and drying, you may want to sieve the pellets to remove any fines or improperly formed pellets. Then, package the pellets in appropriate containers, such as bags, sacks, or bulk containers, for storage, distribution, or sale.

animal feed making process
animal feed pellets making process

Benefits of Using Feed Pellet Mill

  1. Enhanced Nutritional Value: The feed pellet mill allows for precise control over the composition of the feed, ensuring balanced nutrition for animals. This results in improved feed conversion rates, higher milk production in dairy cows, and better weight gain in meat-producing animals.
  2. Reduced Feed Wastage: The compact and dense structure of feed pellets minimizes wastage and improves feed efficiency. Unlike loose feed, pellets are less susceptible to dust, spoilage, and selective feeding, reducing feed costs and maximizing feed utilization.
  3. Feed Safety and Hygiene: The heat generated during the pelletization process eliminates harmful bacteria and pathogens, making the pellets safe for consumption. Moreover, the uniform size of the pellets reduces the risk of choking and ensures consistent intake, promoting animal health.

Choosing the Right Feed Pellet Mill

When selecting a feed pellet mill, several factors should be considered:

  1. Capacity: Determine the required output capacity based on the scale of your operation and the number of animals you intend to feed.
  2. Pellet Size Range: Different livestock species and growth stages require specific pellet sizes. Ensure that the feed pellet mill can produce pellets within the desired size range.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Look for a pellet mill that operates with minimal energy consumption, helping to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.
  4. Maintenance and Service: Choose a reliable supplier that offers comprehensive after-sales service, including maintenance, spare parts, and technical support.


The feed pellet mill is an indispensable tool for the animal feed industry. Its ability to produce high-quality and tailored feed pellets brings numerous benefits, including improved feed efficiency, enhanced animal performance, and increased profitability for farmers. Investing in a reliable feed pellet mill is a wise decision for any livestock operation.