The difference between flat die and ring die pelleting machines

In the industrial field, pellet machines are commonly used for pelletizing raw materials. Pellet machines with flat dies and pellet machines with ring dies are the most common types. In this article, we will compare these two pellet machines and explain their differences.

Working Principle Is Different

Firstly, let’s compare the two machines’ working principles.

Flat die pellet machine:

A flat die pellet machine consists of a circular steel die and free-rotating rollers. From top to bottom, the material falls into the gap between the rollers, is pressed into the die hole by the rotating roller, and a long cylindrical object is extruded from the bottom of the die hole, then cut into granules by the cutter.

Ring die pellet machine:

The working principle of the ring die pellet machine is more complicated. Raw materials enter a steel mold, are pressed into the working area by rotating rollers, are embedded in die holes, are extruded from the outer wall of the steel mold, and are cut into cylindrical particles.

Work Efficiency Is Different

Flat-die pellet machine: Since the flat-die pellet machine is pressed by the weight of the material itself, its pressure is relatively small and its adaptability to the material is strong. At the same time, because the structure of the pressing chamber is relatively simple, maintenance and cleaning are relatively easy. However, due to the large space of the pressing chamber and the small compression ratio of the material, the production efficiency is relatively low.
Ring die pellet machine: The compression of the ring die pellet machine is based on the extrusion of two ring dies, so the pressure is relatively high, and the compression effect on certain specific materials is better. At the same time, due to the small space of the pressing chamber and the large compression ratio of the material, the production efficiency is relatively high. However, due to its complex structure, maintenance and cleaning are relatively difficult.

Different Application Scenarios

Flat-die pellet machine: Due to its strong adaptability, the flat-die pellet machine is widely used in pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other industries. Especially in some industries that do not require high particle shape, such as chemical industry, building materials, etc., the flat die pellet machine has been widely used.
Ring die pellet machine: Due to the high pressure and high efficiency of the ring die pellet machine, it has been widely used in some industries that require high particle shape, such as pharmaceuticals and food. Especially for some industries that need to produce high-density and high-strength pellets, the ring die pellet machine has become the first choice.


To sum up, both the flat die pellet machine and the ring die pellet machine have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the specific application should be selected according to the actual needs. For some industries that do not require high particle shape, the flat die pellet machine is a good choice; for some industries that need to produce high-density, high-strength pellets, the ring die pellet machine is a more suitable choice. In the future development, with the progress of science and technology and the development of industrial production, it is believed that these two pellet machines will be continuously improved and upgraded to provide more efficient and intelligent solutions for industrial production.